Editing in the Uses Tab
The Uses tab is an efficient location for editing usage information about the children of a selected assembly.
Click a row in the table to highlight that row. Table cells enclosed in boxes may be edited.
Use the SHIFT or CTRL keys to highlight multiple rows.
Use the TAB key to move the cursor to the right and down within the editable fields in the table.
Use the SHIFT and TAB keys to move the cursor to the left and up within editable fields in the table.
The arrow keys will move the cursor one cell in the direction of the arrow.
The HOME key goes to the first editable cell and the END key goes to the last editable cell.
The parent part must be checked out to edit usage attributes. Editing any attribute in the Uses table will automatically check out the parent part. You must check in the parent part when editing is complete to save the changes you have made. The assembly is not checked in automatically.
The toolbar at the top of the Uses tab provides the following actions:
Action Name
Insert Existing
Searches for and inserts a previously created part into the part structure. For more information, see Inserting an Existing Part.
The empty part row at the bottom of the Uses table, preceded by the Insert Existing icon, can be used to insert an existing part. Type in a partial number or name to locate the desired part. To return broader search results, add an asterisk (*) to the beginning of your search criteria. This functionality is not available for translated text attributes.
Insert New
Creates a new part and adds it to the structure. For more information about creating new parts, see Creating a New Part.
Insert Multiple New
Creates multiple new parts and adds them to the structure. For more information about creating multiple new parts, see Create Multiple New Parts.
Removes selected parts from the product structure. The parent assembly part is checked out automatically and remains checked out after the remove action is complete.
A removed part is not deleted from the database, it is only removed from the part structure.
Edit Usage Attributes
Opens the Edit Usage Attributes window for editing attributes on a usage relationship between a selected part and its parent assembly part.
Edit Attribute Value
Edits a selected usage link attribute value for multiple selected parts. For more information, see Editing Attribute Values.
Assign Choices
Edits option rules for children of configurable parts. Option rules determine the parts to be displayed in a filtered product structure.
This action and the corresponding column appear only if the parent part is a configurable part and if an options filter template is registered for this product.
Places a copy of the selected object on theWindchill clipboard so that it may be pasted elsewhere as a new object or reference. For more information about all clipboard actions including paste operations, see The Clipboard Action Set.
Pastes the most recently copied object into the product structure.
Paste selected parts from clipboard
Pastes selected parts from the Windchill clipboard into the product structure This option determines which of all copied objects you would like to add. You can add one or more copied objects into the table.
Export list to file
Exports the part information displayed in the Uses tab to a file on your desktop.
Use the following procedure to export part structure information:
1. Select the part to display in the Uses tab in the structure pane on the left.
2. Click the export list to file icon and select a file format from the drop-down menu.
3. You will be prompted to open or save the exported file by your browser. The prompt you receive depends on the browser that you use.
The name of the exported file is derived from part selected in the structure pane.
The following table describes usage specific attributes that may be edited directly in the Uses table:
Line Number
Identifies the position of this part within a manufacturing bill of materials (BOM) in an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system.
Enter an integer number into the Line Number field for a part.
Line numbers for a part must be unique within the parent assembly.
Identifies the quantity of the part used within the assembly.
Enter a quantity value into the quantity field.
Integer numbers must be entered when the Unit is set to each.
Identifies the unit of measurement applied to the quantity of a part used by an assembly.
Select the desired value from the menu. Values include each and as needed along with a number of volume, length, and weight choices in the english or metric system.
Delete occurrences of a bulk part in the Occurrences tab when changing the unit from each to any other or vice versa.
Trace Code
Indicates whether manufactured copies of a part will be traceable by a serial or lot number.
Select the desired value from the menu. Values include:
Lot/Serial Number
Serial Number
Reference Designator
An aphanumeric code used to identify individual occurrences of a part used within a product structure.
Enter reference designator codes separated by commas or enter a reference designator range such as C1-C4 to add occurrences. For more information on adding occurrences from the Uses tab, see Adding Occurrences.
Find Number
An attribute used to cross-reference a part in a product structure with the same part in an assembly drawing.
Enter any alphanumeric value.
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