About the Part Structure Pane
The part structure pane is located in the Structure tab beneath the actions toolbar on the left side of the part information page. It contains an indented hierarchy of parts representing the structure of a product. Child parts are shown beneath the parent assembly, indented to the right. Each part row in the structure is identified by the part icon, number, name, and version including the view in parenthesis.
Assembly parts are expanded one level at a time using the expansion arrows to the left of each assembly row, or all levels using the Display Display > Expand All Levels menu within the Viewing action set.
The number of objects displayed in the structure is shown at the bottom of the structure pane.
An occurrence in Windchill is a database object that stores information about one named usage of a part within a part structure. Users can see one row for each occurrence of a part used multiple times in an assembly by clicking the Show Occurrences icon in the Display menu. For more information about the display of occurrences, see Occurrence Display.
For more information about viewing the part structure, see The Viewing Action Set.
You can edit part attributes and part usage attributes inline in the part structure pane, excluding alias and cascading attributes. To edit the part and part usage attributes displayed in the part structure pane inline, you must first enable the Enable Inline Editing Product Structure Browser preference located under Part Management group. By default, this preference is disabled.
The checkout action is performed when modifying part attributes. A check-in is required to complete the edit and make the changes available to other users. For more information about the modifying the display of information in the part structure pane, see Viewing Action Set - Parts. You can add the attributes available in the Edit Common Attributes, Edit Part and Edit Usage Attributes actions to the custom view. For more information on the attributes supported with these actions, see Editing Common Part Attributes, Editing a Part and Editing Usage Attributes.
Parts are displayed in the structure according to the currently active part structure filter. Filters can be edited and the structure refreshed to show the parts that meet the new filter criteria. For more information about defining part structure filters, see The Filtering Action Set.
Related Information
The part structure can also be configured to display related information directly in the part hierarchy. Related information is displayed beneath the part node in the structure that it defines. Information that can be displayed includes documents, CAD documents, replacement parts and distribution targets. For more information about showing related information in the part structure, see The Viewing Action Set.
Find in Structure
The Find in Structure input field just above the part structure pane is a useful tool for working with part structures. Part structures are often many levels deep and contain thousands of parts. Locating a specific part using expansion is impractical for a large product structure. Entering a part name or number in the Find in Structure field locates the part within a multi-level part structure. For more information, see Find in Structure.
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