Managing Replacement Parts
A replacement part may be used in place of the part specified by the design engineer. There are two types of replacement parts:
Alternates — May be used in any assembly where the specified part is used. Alternates may be designated as one-way or two-way.
For example, a 1/4” x 20, grade 5 bolt may be used in any assembly where a 1/4” x 20, grade 2 bolt is specified. However, the grade 2 bolt may not be used wherever the grade 5 bolt is specified because it may not be strong enough. The grade 5 bolt is a one-way alternate for the grade 2 bolt. If the grade 2 bolt can be used wherever the grade 5 bolt is specified as well then the relationship is described as a two-way alternate. For more information about defining alternate parts, see Defining Alternate Parts.
Substitutes — A part that may be used in place of the specified part in a specific assembly.
Continuing the previous example, a 1/4” x 20, grade 2 bolt may be used in place of a 1/4” x 20, grade 5 bolt in a specific assembly where the extra bolt strength is not critical. The grade 2 bolt is a substitute for the grade 5 bolt in the specified assembly. For more information about defining a substitute part, see Defining Substitute Parts.
Note the following information about managing replacement parts:
You can show and hide replacement parts in the structure, but it is not required to complete the Replace actions. For more information, see Viewing Related Information in a Structure.
If the parent part is not checked out, when you select a Replace action, the parent part is checked out. You need to manually check in the part to commit the change.
Consider the following options for replacing a part.
Replace with Alternate/Substitute
Opens a window displaying the alternate and substitute parts defined for the current part. Select a part and click OK.
When replacing with a substitute, the original child part becomes the substitute for the new child part.
Replace with Existing
Opens a window from which you can select an existing part to use as a replacement. Use this action for parts that are not defined as a replacement (alternate or substitute) for the selected part.
This action is similar to a remove and insert existing action. It does not create a replacement relationship.
Replace with New
Opens the New Part window from which you can create the part to be inserted into the structure as the replacement of the selected part.
This action is similar to a remove and insert new action. It does not create a replacement relationship.
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