Viewing a Structure’s Current Filter Properties
Click the Current Filter icon on the Structure toolbar to display the Filter Properties window. The structure filters currently in effect are displayed in the following expandable sections:
Configuration Specification – Shows the current configuration specification. The default configuration specification is displayed until changed. For more information, see About Configuration Specifications.
Spatial Filter – Indicates when a box, sphere, or proximity spatial filter has been set. The details of the spatial filter can be see in the Edit Filter window. If no spatial filter is set this section is not displayed. For more information, see About Spatial Filters.
Option Filter — Shows the current option filter. For more information, see Filtering a Configurable Product Structure with the Option Filter.
Attribute Filter – Shows the current attribute filter. If no attribute filter is set this section is not displayed. For more information, see About Attribute Filters.
Path Filter — Shows the current path filter. For more information, see Filter Action Set - Parts.
You cannot edit filters from the Filter Properties window. For more information about editing filters, see Editing a Structure Filter.
Hover your mouse over the Current Filter icon to see a summary of the filters currently applied to the structure.
Toggling the View of the Current Filter
In the Current Filter window, select the Use Tab View check box to toggle the view from the single page mode to the tab mode. Toggling the view to tab mode presents details of configuration specifications and Option Filter in separate tabs. This allows you to view the choices defined for the Option Filter and to better understand the Option Filter definition by viewing the option groups and sorting.
Single-page mode: The default view of the Current Filter window. In this mode, the details of configuration specifications and filters are displayed on a single page.
Tab mode: When you select the Use Tab View check box, the configuration specifications and the defined filters, such as Path Filters, Attribute Filters, and so on, are displayed in separate tabs. However, undefined filters are not displayed. In the Option Filter tab, the Selected Choices table has the Search in table feature that is unavailable in the single page mode.
In both views, the sorting order of the choices in the Selected Choices table is displayed based on the choice name.
When you apply a saved filter or a variant specification, the current filter window displays the name of the saved filter or the variant specification in the title block.
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