Setting a Preference
To set or change a preference value, use the following procedure:
1. From the right-click actions menu for the preference, select Set Preference.
The Set Preference window opens, with the preference name, long description, context, and current preference value displayed.
2. Change the preference settings in one of the following ways:
In the Value field, select an option or enter the new value.
In the Comments field, enter any comments about the preference value, up to 500 characters. Comments entered at a higher level (such as the site or organization level) are present when setting the preference at lower levels. Include the rationale behind the preference value choice for future reference.
If the preference is for an application context, you can select the Locked checkbox to prevent the preference from being set at a lower level.
The Locked field is not available for individual user preferences.
Click Revert to Default to set the preference value and comments back to the value and comments set at the next highest level. If no value has been set for the preference at any level, the system default value defined for that preference is used; any content at the current level in the Comments field is deleted. (Clicking Revert to Default closes the Set Preference window.)
3. Click OK.
The Preference Management window refreshes, and the new preference value displayed.
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