Plan Activities Table
The Plan Activities table is available from the information page of subject object types:
Change objects
EPM Documents
Variant Specifications
Baselines (managed and lot)
Windchill QMS objects
Windchill MPMLink objects
Enterprise data
This table lists any deliverable activities associated with the object. For more information, see Deliverable Activities.
To view this table, create a new tab and then select Customize > Related Objects > Plan Activities:
You can create custom table views to suit your needs. There are also two default table views available:
Tracking—View activity information, including how much work has been completed, the plan name, and the actual start and finish dates.
Entry—View activity information, including activity duration, assigned resources, the plan name, and the estimated start and finish dates.
The following actions are available from the Plan Activities table:
Add the object to an existing deliverable activity.
In order to complete this action, you must already be assigned as a resource the activity.
Remove Selected Activities
Remove the association between the object and a plan activity.
In order to complete this action, you must have Modify permission for the selected activity.
Create a new deliverable activity with the object automatically added as a subject object.
Export List to File
Export a list of the table contents to the specified file type.
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