Unsupported Import Features
Project plans imported from Microsoft Project to Windchill ProjectLink are validated prior to completing the import process. Any non-supported Microsoft Project information is flagged as either an error or a warning.
Errors might include unsupported plan, task, resource, and assignment features. All errors must be corrected in the source Microsoft Project plan and re-imported.
You can choose to ignore any warning messages that are reported.
Unsupported Microsoft Project Plan Features
The following plan features are not supported when importing a plan from Microsoft Project:
Unsupported Feature
Error or Warning
Resolution in Microsoft Project
Schedule from
The Schedule From field in Microsoft Project is equal to Project Finish date. Instead, it must be set to Project Start date.
Open the Project Information window and set the Schedule From field to the Project Start date.
Custom project calendar
The project calendar must be one of the following base calendars: Standard or 24 Hours.
From the Project Information window, set the project calendar to one of the following base calendars: Standard or 24 Hours, and ensure that the selected base calendar has not been modified.
Modified default base calendars
A warning appears if the modified calendar is used as the project calendar. The project calendar must be one of the following base calendars: Standard or 24 Hours.
Open the Change Working Time window and remove any modifications that have been made to the base calendars.
Hours per day
Custom hours per day is not supported. Work hours must be set to 8 per day.
From the Calendar tab of the Options window, set the hours per day to 8.
Hours per week
Custom hours per week is not supported. Work hours must be set to 40 per week.
From the Calendar tab of the Options window, set the hours per week to 40.
Days per month
Custom days per month is not supported. Work days must be set to 20 per month.
From the Calendar tab of the Options window, set days per month set to 20.
Unsupported Microsoft Project Task Features
The following task features are not supported when importing a plan from Microsoft Project:
Unsupported Feature
Error or Warning
Resolution in Microsoft Project
Duration format
Elapsed duration is not supported.
Change all elapsed duration formats to non-elapsed duration formats.
Split tasks
Tasks cannot be split. Resume must equal Stop.
The split is ignored upon import.
Recurring task
A task has been flagged as recurring.
Remove all recurring tasks.
Subproject dependencies are not supported.
A subproject will be imported as a standard activity.
Task calendar
Task calendars are not supported.
Under the Advanced tab of the Task Information window, set Calendar to None.
Resource leveling
Resource leveling is not supported.
Open the Resource Leveling window and clear the leveling for the entire project.
Leads and lags as percent
Defining a lead or lag as a percent is not supported.
Under the Predecessors tab of the Task Information window, remove any leads and lags that are specified as percentages.
Cross project dependencies
A task has an external dependency. Cross project dependencies are not supported.
Remove all cross-project dependencies.
A baseline attribute contains data. Baselines are not supported.
If any baseline attributes have been defined, they are ignored upon import.
Actual cost calculation
Actual costs must always be calculated.
Select the checkbox Actual costs are always calculated by Project indicating that actual costs are always calculated by Microsoft Project.
Unsupported Resource Features
The following resource features are not supported when importing a plan from Microsoft Project:
Unsupported Feature
Error or Warning
Resolution in Microsoft Project
An activity includes a resource of the type Material or Cost.
Under the Resources tab of the Task Information window, remove all usages of material and cost resources.
Resource calendars
Resource calendars cannot be different than the project calendar.
Open the Change Working Time window for the resource and set the base calendar so that it is the same as the project calendar.
Baseline attributes currently contain data.
If any baseline attributes have been specified, they will be ignored upon import.
Rate tables
Error—If multiple effective rates exist in Rate Table A.
Warning—If multiple effective rates exist in other rate tables.
Yearly rates are not supported.
Under the Cost tab of the Resource Information window, remove all but one of the rates from Rate Table A.
All rate information in tables other than Rate Table A will be ignored upon import.
Rate format
If the standard rate for the resource is specified as any other format, then rates are recalculated to dollars per hour
Unsupported Assignment Features
The following assignment features are not supported when importing a plan from Microsoft Project:
Unsupported Feature
Error or Warning
Resolution in Microsoft Project
Assignment delay
Assignment delays are not supported.
From the Task Usage view, add the Assignment Delay column to and set the Assignment Delay to zero.
Leveling delay
A leveling delay is different from zero.
Open the Resource Leveling window and clear the leveling for the entire project.
Overtime work
Overtime work is not supported.
From the Task Usage view, add the Overtime Work column to and set Overtime Work to zero.
Work contour
Assignment work contours must be Flat.
Open the Assignment Information window and set the work contour to Flat.
Baseline attributes currently contain data.
If any baseline attributes have been specified, they will be ignored upon import.
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