Editing a Library
After you have created a library, you can edit the library name, description, and owner, and change the access to the library by editing the library. The Edit action appears only if you have the necessary permissions for editing libraries.
To modify the business rules for the library, use the business administration utilities.
Use the following procedure to edit library information:
1. Under Libraries in the Navigator, click View all libraries to view the Libraries table. From the Libraries table, select the library that you want to edit to make it the current library.
If the library was accessed recently, you can select it from under Libraries in the Navigator.
2. Select Edit from the right-click actions menu for the library on the Libraries table or from the Actions menu on the library information page.
The Edit Library window opens with the current library attributes displayed, including name, description, and owner. If your site has enabled use of organization identifiers, such as a CAGE code or DUNS number, then that attribute is also displayed.
3. Edit the text in the text fields.
The library name must be a unique library name in the organization context and cannot contain the following special characters: /, \, !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, (, ), :, ?, ", <, >, or |.
4. The Owner field has the user name of the user who owns the library; initially the library owner is the user who created the library. Click Find to locate another user to set as the owner. The owner has no special privileges. He or she is just the person who is most knowledgeable about the library.
5. The Private Access attribute shows current setting for access to the library.
If a shared team has been selected for the product, then this field is disabled.
If Yes is selected, then access is restricted to use only the access control policies that are defined within the library context being created; any public access policy rules written at the organization level are not inherited by the library. By selecting Yes, the default domain for the library is moved from the organization PDM domain to the organization Private domain. For more information on the implications of moving domains, seeContext and Domain Hierarchy Overview.
If No is selected, then the library is accessible from the default domain and it inherits the control settings established in the parent context.
Change the access to the library by selecting Yes or No.
6. Click OK to update the library information and close the window.
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