Using the Participant Administration Utility
The Participant Administration utility is available from either site or organization context:
Open the Participant Administration utility in the site context from Site > Utilities to manage users, user-defined groups, and organizations created in the site context.
Open the Participant Administration utility in an organization context from Organization > Utilities to manage participants that belong to the organization context from which you launched the Participant Administration utility.
If the organization was set up to allow entire user and user-defined group directory selection, then you can see all users and groups (except for the system groups maintained by your Windchill systems solution). However, access control rules may be set to prohibit you from seeing some users and user-defined groups.
Participant Administration Table
The Participant Administration table is the initial view after clicking the Participant Administration link. The Participant Administration utility allows administrators to manage Windchill participants displayed in the Participant Administration table. New participants can be created and added to the table, existing participant objects can be added to the Participant Administration table as needed, and participant objects can be removed from the Participant Administration table as needed, using the actions described below.
Participants added to the table remain in the table until they are removed from the table or deleted from Windchill or from the directory server. Participants displayed in the table include those participants that you recently loaded into the table during your previous work session. The client cache stores participants separately for each context that you work in, whether at site level or for any particular organization context. Navigating to the Participant Administration utility in a new context populates the Participant Administration table with only the participants that you loaded while working in that context. A maximum of 100 participants per context can be stored in the client cache and will remain in the Participant Administration table the next time it is opened, although more than 100 participants can be held in the Participant Administration table during a work session.
The Participant Administration table displays some of the basic attributes about each displayed participant in the table columns. Each participant is distinguished by an icon that is unique to each participant type (users, groups, and organizations). Each participant is also given a status. Participants with a blank status are active. Other possible participant statuses are described in Participant Status.
The following table describes the actions available from the Participant Administration table:
Add Participants
Opens the Find Participant window for entering search criteria to locate one or more users, groups, or organizations.
Remove Participants
Removes participants from the table.
New User
Opens the New User window for defining new user attributes and making the user a member of groups and profiles.
New Group
Opens the New Group window for defining new group attributes and assigning users, groups and profiles to the new group.
New Organization
Opens the New Organization window for defining new organization attributes and assigning profiles to the new organization.
Remove from Cache
Delete from Windchill
Deletes participants from Windchill using checkbox selections.
Delete from Windchill and Windchill Directory Server
Deletes participants from Windchill and the directory server using checkbox selections.
Search Disconnected Participants
Searches for participants whose LDAP and database entries are out of synch.
Purge Participant Cache
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