Defining Received Delivery Conflict Resolutions Using a Load File
In some cases, it may be beneficial to specify your received delivery import conflict resolutions using a load file rather than using the Event Management utility during the import process or to specify all of the desired resolutions so they are available when saved resolutions are used. The <Windchill>/loadFiles/ConflictResolutions.xml load file, where <Windchill> is the directory where Windchill is installed, is available to update and reload into Windchill. By loading conflicts and resolutions using the ConflictResolutions.xml load file, you can reduce the number of failed import attempts when working with received deliveries from the same source system.
You can use the ConflictResolutions.xml load file to:
Create and save a conflict resolution for a source system into your Windchill system.
List all conflict resolutions present in your Windchill system for a source system.
Delete one conflict resolution for a source system from Windchill.
Delete all conflict resolutions for a source system from Windchill.
The following subelements may be used for the elements listed in the previous table:
This value must be one of the valid Windchill conflict types.
The subelement is not used with the csvGetConflictResolution or the csvDeleteAllConflictResolution elements.
This value must be one of the valid Windchill resolution types.
The subelement is not used with the csvGetConflictResolution or the csvDeleteAllConflictResolution elements.
This value should always be SOURCE_REPOSITORY.
This value is found in the lastKnownRepository element in the delivery manifest file. Use only the number before the pipe (|) for the value.
The following example shows a conflict resolution for specifying a folder location if the source folder does not exist on the target system:
<csvCreateConflictResolution handler="wt.fedInfra.LoadConflictResolution.createConflictResolution" >
If you specify the same conflict type for different actions, the latest action will be in effect. For example, if you specify that the FOLDER_NOT_FOUND conflict should be created and then later that the same conflict should be deleted, the conflict will be deleted.
The ConflictResolutions.xml file can be reloaded multiple times until all conflicts have a valid resolution. You can load conflict resolutions for each source system from which you receive package delivery files. Load your file using the LoadFromFile utility. For more information, see Using the LoadFromFile Utility.
For more information about the default conflicts and resolutions provided by Windchill, see Conflict Messages for Packages.
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