Setting Package Preferences
The Packages category in the Preference Management utility is available to you and your administrators to view and set package-related preferences.
The following preferences are available to you in application contexts:
The Collector preference category allows you to configure the default values used to collect objects related to the initially selected objects in a package. This preference can be set in all contexts.
The Display Package Domains preference determines if the domain in which the package resides appears on the package information page or when creating or updating a package. This preference can be set in all contexts.
The following preferences are available to your administrators:
The Default Domain Path for Packages preference determines the default domain in which packages are created.
The Delivery Medium File Size preference sets the size limitation for each of the delivery media available for a package ZIP file. The size is specified in megabytes.
The Export Zip File Size preference determines how large the package ZIP file can be before a second ZIP file is created. The size is determined in megabytes. This preference is used if the Delivery Medium File Size preference has not been specified for the delivery media type.
The Property Set preference determines which property set your site uses for each package type. A property set controls the configurable aspect of packages per package type. This preference can be set from the Organizations or Site contexts. For more information about this preference and how to configure a property set, see the Windchill Customization Guide.
The Supported Authoring Applications preference indicates which CAD applications are supported for package file synchronization and the adapter that is properly configured for your system. This preference is used in conjunction with the Synchronization Enabled preference to set up file synchronization with packages. For more information, see Packages and CAD File Synchronization.
The Synchronization Enabled preference determines if content synchronization is enabled between Windchill and the CAD applications identified in the Supported Authoring Applications preference. This preference can be set from the Organizations or Site contexts. For more information, see Packages and CAD File Synchronization.
The User Email in Context Replication Deliveries preference determines if user email addresses are included in the user information contained in the ZIP files for replication package deliveries. Depending on the configuration of the target Windchill system, users imported from the source can be matched via email. By default, users are matched using the user name. For more information, see Importing Participants with Replication Packages.
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