Using Actions in the Conditional Rule
Specifying the Actions for the Rule
When creating a conditional rule, you can specify the following actions for the Then section of the conditional rule:
Include – If the expressions in the If section are evaluated to TRUE, then include the choices listed in the Then section.
Disable – If the expressions in the If section are evaluated to TRUE, then disable the choices listed in the Then section.
Enable – If the expressions in the If section are evaluated to TRUE, then enable the choices listed in the Then section.
Requires – If the expressions in the If section are evaluated to TRUE, then you must select at least one of the choices in the Then section.
Requires Single Select- If the expressions in the If section are evaluated to TRUE, then you must select only one choice in the Then section.
The Requires Single Select conditional rule is another form of Requires rule, with the only difference to select only one choice from the group instead of requiring all choices.
Using the Requires Action
The Requires action stipulates that when the If section of the conditional rule evaluates to TRUE, then at least one choice listed in the Then section of the rule must be selected. If the system determines that only one choice from the list is eligible for selection, that choice is selected automatically to satisfy the Requires action.
If the Validate for Required Choices preference is set to Yes, the system validates that the Required options, Requires conditional rules, and Requires Single Select conditional rules must be applied when specifying filtering criteria in the Option Filter window. In this case, at least one choice must be selected when using the Requires action, and only one choice must be selected when using the Requires Single Select action. If the Requires or Requires Single Select action is not satisfied, an error message appears.
This preference does not affect the validation of Configure and Reconfigure actions when defining option filter, as for these actions, the Required options and conditional rules are always enforced.
Considerations for the Then Section of the Conditional Rule
Consider the following information about the Then section of conditional rules:
The various actions for a conditional rule are treated as if they are they are combined using “AND”.
The various choices for the Include action of a conditional rule are treated as if they are combined using “AND”
The various choices for the Enable action of a conditional rule are treated as if they are combined using “AND”.
The various choices for the Disable action of a conditional rule are treated as if they are combined using “AND”.
The various choices for the Requires action of a conditional rule are treated as if they are separated by “OR”.
The various choices for the Requires Single Select action of a conditional rule are treated as if they are separated by “OR”.
If you specify multiple actions of the same kind (for example, several outcomes using the Requires action), these actions are not combined and they appear separately in the THEN section of the rule. This behavior applies to all actions.
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