Including Options and Choices with Numeric or Boolean Values in Expressions and Conditional Rules
Numeric choices can be included in logical expressions used in advanced assigned expressions and conditional rules. The next table shows some examples of using numeric options and choices in logical expressions.
Example of logical expression
Wheel Base = 19
Red + <FS22
Color = Red + Frame Size < FS22
Wheel Base >= WB25 / Frame Size <= FS30
> = FS18 + <= FS28
Frame Size >= FS18 + Frame Size <= FS28
(>= FS18 + <= FS28) / (>= WB25 + <= WB35)
(Frame Size >= FS18 + Frame Size <= FS28) / (Wheel Base >= WB25 + Wheel Base <= WB35)
Format for Using Numeric Options and Choices in Expressions
The format for including numeric choices in expressions is described in the next table.
Example of Using an Abbreviated Definition
Wheel Base = WB10
! numeric_choice
! WB10
Wheel Base =! WB10
< numeric_choice
< WB10
Wheel Base <WB10
> numeric_choice
Wheel Base > WB10
<= numeric_choice
<= WB10
Wheel Base <= WB10
>= numeric_choice
>= WB10
Wheel Base >= WB10
In expression, a numeric choice is referenced by name or number, depending on how the format for using choices in expressions is configured
Numeric Choices in Conditional Rules
Numeric choices can be used both in the IF and THEN portions of conditional rules. The following are some examples of using numeric choices in conditional rules:
IF (Color = Red AND Wheel_Base > Radius-24) THEN Include Choice1, Choices2
IF (Size = Large) THEN Enable Wheel_Base = Radius-52, Radius-60
Boolean Choices in Conditional Rules
Boolean choices can be used both in the IF and THEN portions of conditional rules. However, when creating expressions using a boolean options, you cannot specify boolean choices directly. Instead, specify the boolean option name or number based on the preference Choice Display Format, and the negation character as specified in the ato.negation.operator property. The following is an example of using boolean choices in conditional rules:
IF (“Is Wireless”) THEN Include (Communication = “Wireless”)
IF (Voltage = “+24” OR Communication = “Modem”) THEN Include (-“Is Heavy Duty”)
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