Creating and Editing UDI Templates
Use UDI templates to set default values for submitting UDI objects. Creating a template saves you from entering data that is used across multiple UDIs.
To create a UDI template, follow these steps:
1. In the Navigator, under your new UDI library, click Templates.
2. Select UDI Templates from Templates menu.
3. Click New UDI Template . The template window opens.
It is recommended that you use UDI Super Set templates and objects. To make the new FDA UDI Submission template instantiable, go to Site > Utilities > Type and Attribute Management > FDA UDI Submission.
4. In the Name field, type the name of the template. This field is required.
5. Complete the fields in the template window.
For more information, see Completing the UDI Super Set Form.
6. Click Finish.
To edit a UDI template, follow these steps:
1. In the Navigator, under your new UDI library, click Templates.
2. Select UDI Templates from Templates menu.
3. Right-click the template you want to edit and select Edit UDI Template.
4. Complete the fields in the Edit UDI Template window. These are the default values for any UDIs that are created using the template.
For more information, see Completing the UDI Super Set Form.
5. Click Finish.
It is recommended that you use templates to populate device contact information when creating UDIs.
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