Document Templates Table Information
Select Document Templates from the table view drop-down list and the Templates table refreshes, displaying all document templates that are available from the current context.
The columns in the table provide the pertinent information about the document templates, including:
The name and latest version of the template.
The version of the template that is enabled.
Whether the template is visible in the current context.
The context in which the template was created. Only those who have administrative privileges in the context listed can update the template. This column does not appear in the Site > Templates table. All templates displayed in the Site > Templates table were created under the site context.
You can use the show icon and hide icon to determine the visibility of the templates in the current context.
Use the new document template icon to create a new document template.
The actions available for individual document templates can be found in the right-click actions menu for each row in the table. To perform an action, select the action from the right-click actions menu. Most actions perform the same functions as those actions listed for documents with the following exceptions which are only available for document templates:
Allows you to make the template unavailable for use.
This action is available on all versions and iterations of the template that are checked in and currently enabled.
Allows you to make the template available for use.
This action is available on all versions and iterations of the template that are checked in and currently disabled.
Allows you to make the template visible to users in the current context.
This action is only available if the template is hidden.
Allows you to hide the template from use in the current context.
This action is only available if the template is visible.
For more information on all actions not listed in the previous table, click the help icon on the window that opens after selecting the action or access the help that is available from the document template information page.
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