About Change Object Templates
A change object template provides a means for standardizing common change objects such as change notices or change tasks.
Change object templates are stored as change objects; however, they have some unique characteristics:
They are created and managed from the Templates pages, which are accessible only to administrators.
The change object templates can be created in the context of a product, library, organization, or site.
Change object templates with the same name can be created in different contexts, but never in the same context. The change object template name must be unique within a context, regardless of the type of change object template.
Whether a specific change object template appears in the list of available change object templates when a user creates a change object from a template is determined by the following:
The context from which the change object template was created. Only the change object templates created in the current context of the user or in a parent context appear in the list.
Whether the change object template is enabled and visible; only change object templates that are both enabled and visible appear in the list. If there are no enabled and visible templates available from the current context or its parent contexts, then the user cannot create a change object from a change object template.
When there are multiple change object templates with the same name in different contexts, then the change object template that is in the lowest context in the hierarchy appears in the list.
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