Creating a CAD Document Template
Administrators can create Windchill CAD document templates. For more information, see Template Access.
Use the following procedure to create a CAD document template:
1. As a prerequisite step, using a Windchill Workgroup Manager-supported CAD authoring application, create a CAD document with a template model file. This CAD document is used (in a later step) as the source CAD document to use as the content for the Windchill CAD document template.
2. Navigate to the context under which you want the CAD document template stored.
If you want to create templates for a specific project, select the project under Projects in the Navigator.
If you want to create templates for a specific program, select the program under Programs in the Navigator.
If you want to create templates for a specific product, select the product under Products in the Navigator.
If you want to create templates for a specific library, select the library under Libraries in the Navigator.
If you want to create templates for a specific organization, select the organization under Organizations in the Navigator.
If you want to create templates for the entire site, navigate to Site in the Navigator.
Click the Templates link.
The Templates page opens.
3. Select CAD Document Templates from the table view drop-down list and then click the new CAD document template icon .
The New CAD Document Template window opens showing the context in which the template will be created.
For more information about CAD document templates, see:
4. In the CAD Source field, click the find icon to display the Find Object window, allowing you to enter type, context, and name criteria to search for a source CAD document to reference in the template creation. Select a CAD document from the search results and click OK to close the Find Object window and populate the CAD Source field with the name of the source file.
5. Selecting the CAD source automatically populates the Authoring Application, Category, and Type fields for the template you are creating (values are derived from the CAD source). You can use the Type menu to change the automatically assigned value to a different type.
6. In the Name field, enter a name for the new template. This value will be displayed in the Templates table for CAD document templates.
7. In the Description field, enter any descriptive text for the template.
8. In the Number field, you may be able to enter a number for the template. If auto-numbering is in effect at your site, you will see (Generated) instead, indicating that the number will be automatically assigned by the system upon creation of the template.
9. (Required) Enter the File Name for the new template.
10. You may see an Attributes panel, which is auto-populated with the global attributes values already defined in the Type and Attribute Management utility for the object type of your new template. You can specify different attribute values for these global attributes.
11. Click OK. The New CAD Document Template window closes and the CAD document template is created as you have specified. The Templates table refreshes to list the newly-created template.
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