The Use of Context Hierarchy in Rules
Every rule is defined in a specific context where the rule applies. Contexts have their own hierarchy. This hierarchy is used when determining which rules apply to a specific object. The context hierarchy defines the site context as the top-level parent context and each organization context created as a child of the site context. Then, the application contexts created become children of the organization context under which they are created. For more information, see Context and Domain Hierarchies.
The object initialization rules use this parent-child relationship to identify the rule set that applies to a specific object:
Rules created from the Site > Utilities page affect all objects of the types specified that are initialized in the site context and all of its child contexts after the rules are set. Rules loaded during installation are created in the site context.
Rules set from the Organizations > Utilities page affect only those objects of the types specified that are initialized in that organization context and all of its child contexts after the rules are set.
Similar restrictions are in place for those rules set for projects, programs, products, and libraries, where the rules only apply to the project, program, product, or library under which the rules are set.
If there are rules set in a child context that affect the same attributes as rules that are set in a parent context, then the rules in the child context usually takes precedence. Exceptions include:
when the final argument is included in the parent rule
when the ignore argument is included in the child rule
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