Attribute Display
If Windchill attribute values are not appearing as you would expect, consider the following:
Attribute Constraints or Hidden Attributes
Your administrator may have set constraints on certain attributes that would typically display in the Windchill system. If this is the case, certain attributes may not appear when you are creating, editing, or viewing objects. In other cases, the same attributes may appear with a notation that they are <Hidden>. Certain attributes may also appear as read only.
The constraints set on the attribute are system-wide, so the behavior will be the same regardless of the context in which you are working.
For more information about constraints, see your administrator.
Read-only Attributes
Some attribute values cannot be edited manually.
Calculated attribute has a value that is determined by the values of other attributes.
If an attribute affecting a calculated attribute is modified when creating or editing an object, the calculated attribute value is not immediately updated in the window. Once the edit action is processed, the calculated attribute is updated.
Alias attribute has a value that maps to an attribute on a related object.
Exception: an alias attribute that maps to an attribute on the master of the current object is editable.
If you want to edit an attribute that displays as read-only, contact your administrator to see if it is a calculated or alias attribute.
Attributes with Multiple Values
In some cases, alias attributes may display multiple values because information for more than one object is included. For example, if a part has an alias attribute for described by documents and the part has two described by documents, information for both documents displays as the alias attribute value.
Unassignable Attributes
Attributes may display an (Unassignable) value when creating or editing an object. This occurs for:
calculated attributes, when the value is based on other attribute values that have not yet been persisted
alias attributes, when the object is not yet related to the object the alias attribute is mapped to
Exception: an alias attribute that maps to an attribute on the master of the current object is editable.
For more information, see your administrator.
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