E-mailing a Page
This function allows you to e-mail a link to the page you are currently viewing, along with comments, to recipients of your choice. For information on emailing teams and team members, see Email Team Members.
Selecting an option from your browser, such as Send Page by E-mail does not work. The option must be selected from the Windchill Quick Links menu as described below.
Use the following procedure to e-mail a page:
1. In the upper-right corner of Windchill, click and choose E-mail Page.
The e-mail page window appears.
To use your own mail client rather than this page, click the Use my own Mail Client link in the upper left corner of the window. Only the subject, a default message, and a link to the page will be provided to your recipients.
2. In the Select Recipients field, select the groups or individual users to whom the page will be sent, using the check boxes to the left of the names.
3. Enter additional information using the following fields:
Field Name
Enter the subject that will appear for the e-mail. This field is automatically populated; however, you can change or add to this field.
Specifies the default message for the e-mail. The recipient can access the page by clicking the phrase Look at this.
Additional text for the message
Enter any additional information that you want to include in the message.
4. Click OK to send the e-mail to the selected recipients and return to the previous page.
Click Apply to send the e-mail but keep the window open to send it to another group of recipients.
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