Move a Life Cycle Template
The Move action allows you to move a life cycle template up the context hierarchy. The following rules apply:
The life cycle template must be checked in before you can move it.
The life cycle template name must be unique in the target context.
For example, you cannot move a life cycle template named “Review Process” into a target context if that context already has a “Review Process” template. Use the Rename action to provide a unique name for the template.
The Move action moves the template to a higher level context in the context hierarchy. Life cycle templates can only be moved up the context hierarchy; they cannot be moved down. For example, you can move a life cycle template from a product context to an organization context or to the site context.
As a result, this action is not available from the Site context.
1. Select the Move action from the right-click actions menu for the life cycle template you want to move.
The Move window opens.
2. From the Name drop-down menu, select the context to which you want to move the life cycle template. If no options are listed, it means that there are no eligible contexts in which to move the template. Review the rules provided above.
3. Click OK.
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