Viewing License Information
The License Details table displays the license feature information and license consumption. To view license profile information, click .
The following information are available in this table:
License Name
Name of the purchased license
License Feature
Unique designation for each purchasable license
License Group
Name of the corresponding license group used to entitle users to license. Click the license group name to view the license group information page.
License Type
Specifies the type of the license such as Named User or Active Daily User.
Total Quantity
Total purchased quantity.
Available Quantity
Unconsumed license quantity:
Named User
The number of unassigned user licenses. For example, if out of 100 licenses 80 are entitled to a license group, then the named license count is 20.
Active Daily User
Equivalent to total number of unconsumed licenses in a 24 hour period. For example, if out of 100 licenses 60 are consumed in 24 hours, then the active daily count is 40 for those 24 hours
When the value is set to Yes, then the license group membership for named user license or active daily is enforced.
Latest Expiration Date
The date of the license feature with date and time. Dates will appear in red, if any of the license features are expiring in 30 days.
When license count is exceeded, the available license count is displayed in negative.
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