Sharing Family Table Objects
Integral operations allow you to work with family tables within a project. You can add generics and instances to the project for modification or to be used as reference. For more information, see Family Tables.
To collaborate on instances only, instances can be shared to a project without sharing the generic. In this case, you can view the instance if a visual representation exists, but cannot open the instance in the CAD application.
If the generic has been shared with instances, removing the share of the generic does not remove the share for any instances. Additionally, removing the share of an instance does not remove the share of any other member of the family.
If you check out a generic with instances to a project, then undoing the checkout for the generic also undoes the checkout for the instances. This includes any instances modified within the project. Instances that were created in the project are removed. All other instances remain checked out to the project.
When you send any of the instances or the generic to PDM, then the generic, new instances, and checked-out instances are sent as well.
You are required to sendnew instances andchecked-outinstances that were modified in the project to PDM. However, because dependency tracing does not distinguish betweenmodified and non-modifiedinstances, the Send to PDM action displays all checked-out instances.
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