How to Import Data from Excel
You can use the Import from Spreadsheet action from the information page of a product or library to import the following:
new parts or modifications to existing parts
new documents or modifications to existing documents
a new BOM or modifications to an existing BOM
alternates and substitutes
new or modified AML/AVL entries
To import a spreadsheet:
1. Go to the Details page of a product or library.
2. Select Import from Spreadsheet from the Actions menu. The Import from Spreadsheet window opens.
3. Select the Excel file to import:
Check the Considerations for Importing All Data to ensure your Excel file is ready for import.
Click Browse to navigate to the file.
Drag-and-drop a file from Windows Explorer onto the import window.
Type the path to the file.
4. Under Attributes, select an option from the Import Action list.
If an object exists, it is iterated and updated to the attribute values in the spreadsheet.
If an object does not exist, a new object is created.
If an object exists, no action is taken.
If an object does not exist, a new object is created.
If an object is checked out, the action is still taken.
If one of the other update actions are selected, an error displays when the import tries to update a checked out object .
If an object exists, it is iterated and updated to the attribute values in the spreadsheet.
If an object does not exist, no action is taken.
5. (Optional) If you are importing a BOM, enter a name for the new baseline.
If an input spreadsheet has multiple worksheets, each worksheet results in a new baseline. The baseline name you specified is appended with the sheet number.
6. Click Validate Spreadsheet.
Click Import to skip the validation process and proceed with the import as described in the last step.
7. If you click Validate Spreadsheet, errors and warnings appear in the table below.
a. You can open the Excel file to address the errors while the Import from Spreadsheet window remains open.
b. Return to the Import from Spreadsheet window and browse for or drag-and-drop the updated Excel file.
c. Click Validate Spreadsheet again to see if issues were resolved.
8. Click Next to proceed to the Preview step. A list of parts or documents to be imported appears. For parts, you can select the BOM compare icon to review the updates. If you approve of the updates, click Finish.
Click Import to skip the preview step and proceed with the import as described in the last step.
9. The job is submitted to the queue and the validation runs in the background. Check the job monitor and information page to confirm that the job succeeds.
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