Property Administrator Main Page
From the property administration main page, you can find information about services and adapters as well as create and manage entries or forms. For more information and an example of an adapter entry, see Using the Property Administration Utility.
Component Information
The property administration utility lists property sets and components defined under the root entry of an Info*Engine subtree. This directory is identified in the Base URI value displayed when logging on.
Click a service or adapter name to open a new window displaying its properties configuration.
Services include core Info*Engine components. You can create services for the Info*Engine server, servlets, naming service, task processor, and generic services.
Adapters provide an interface between Info*Engine and information systems.
The following adapters are included in a standard Windchill installation:
The following adapters are also supported:
Additionally, customers can develop a custom adapter using the Info*Engine Java Adapter Kit. For more information, see About the JADK.
Property Sets
Property sets, unlike services and adapters, do not represent a configuration of tasks, webject processors, or other Info*Engine processes. A property set is a way to group properties together with a common prefix.
For example, if your system uses multiple JMS services, the configuration of each can be defined as a property set with a unique prefix. Each property set can then be used in the SERVICE parameter for JMS message and Web Event Service webjects.
The following links are available on the property administration main page:
Click [Help] to access this online Info*Engine Property Administration help.
Click [Task Delegate Administration] to log on to the Task Delegate Administration utility.
Click [Import/Export] to import or export LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) files.
Use the following drop-down menus to create and manage forms and entries for Info*Engine services and adapters:
Use the Create Entry menu to open a new window in which you can create a new entry for a service or adapter. For more information, see Creating JSON Entries.
Use the Form Editor menu to open a new window displaying the form editor, allowing you to modify the options and information available in new entry forms. For more information, see Using the Form Editor.
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