Validate the Copied Content
This step is required to make sure the previous step of copying content is successful and accurate.
1. Run the data validation utility, DataMigrationVerificationTool, to validate the copied contents on Azure Blob. This tool allows you to compare contents of existing vault to file structure on Azure Blob. You can run the tool on main Windchill and for remote installations. Run the following at the Windchill shell:
validateMigratedData --userName USER --password PASSWORD --
srcRootFolderName ROOT_FOLDER_NAME --targetMountType MOUNT_TYPE--folderName FOLDER_NAME
--targetMountPath MOUNT_PATH –skipSizeValidation
2. On execution, the tool provides the location at which the report is saved. In this report, you can view a list of all the missing files or information about file size mismatch for each folder. The report always gets generated on main installation. You can choose to run validation, on the whole root folder or only selected sub-folder by specifying -- rootFolderName or -- folderName. You can skip performing file size validation, by adding –skipSizeValidation.
For examples:
To validate all data in root folder named defaultuploadrootfolder:
windchill validateMigratedData --userName <username> --password <password> --targetMountType azureBlob --srcRootFolderName defaultuploadrootfolder --targetMountPath storageaccountname/testcontainer/defaultuploadvault
To validate data in folder named defaultuploadrootfolder and not to check file sizes
windchill validateMigratedData --userName <username> --password <password> --targetMountType azureBlob --srcRootFolderName defaultuploadrootfolder --targetMountPath storageaccountname/testcontainer/defaultuploadvault -–skipSizeValidation
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