Update Mounts
Perform the following steps to update mounts:
1. Prepare the input file.
2. Update the mounts.
Amazon S3 storage account is configured with Windchill.
Windchill Server is up and running.
Prepare the Input File
Use the command line utility, PrepareInputDataForMountMigrationTool, to generate a report in the CSV format. You can then use this CSV report as an input to the MountMigrationTool for updating the mounts. The report is stored in <Windchill>/logs/MountMigration/ directory. This report contains the following information:
Root Folders — A list of all the available root folders.
Source Host
Source Mount Path
Source Mount Type
Target Mount Path
Target Mount Type — By default, the target mount type is azureBlob.
To list all possible command line options, run the following command from the windchill shell::
windchill wt.fv.tools.datamigration.PrepareInputDataForMountMigrationTool mount -h
Following is the list of valid arguments:
-h = <help> — Help
-u = <username> — Administrator user name
-p = <password> — Administrator password
-v = <verbose> — Runs the utility in debug mode
-b = <bucketName> — Target bucket name
-t = <mountType> — Target mount type (default mount type is azureBlob)
To generate the report, run the following command from the windchill shell:
windchill wt.fv.tools.datamigration.PrepareInputDataForMountMigrationTool mount -u <userName> -p <password> -t <mountType>
When migrating mounts from one Amazon S3 storage to another Amazon S3 storage, provide the target bucket name using the -b argument and target mount type as amazonS3 using the -t argument. The tool automatically generates the target mount path based on the target bucket name and the directory structure of the source mount path.
If you are migrating mounts from file-based vaults or Azure Blob storage to Amazon S3 storage, enter the target mount path manually in the CSV report. In this case, the tool does not generate the target mount path automatically.
The vault directory structure in source Amazon S3 storage and target Amazon S3 storage should be the same to generate the correct target mount paths using the -b argument. If the directory structure in not same, the target mount path must be entered manually.
If a root folder is found with property AutoFolderCreation=false, an error is displayed on the windchill shell. To resolve this error, execute wt.fv.tools.FolderToRootFolderConverter tool.
If you are migrating mounts from file-based vaults to other file-based vaults, enter the target mount path manually in the CSV report. In this case, the tool does not generate the target mount path automatically.
Update the Mounts
You can use the CSV report generated in the previous step as an input file to update mounts using the MountMigrationTool.
To list all possible command line options, run the following command:
windchill wt.fv.tools.datamigration.MountMigrationTool migrate -u <username> -p <password> -h
Following is the list of valid arguments:
-h = <help> — Help
-u = <username> — Administrator user name
-p = <password> — Administrator password
-v = <verbose> — Runs the utility in debug mode
-r = <rootFolderName> — Name of the root folder.
-t = <newMountType> — Mount type. Valid values are amazonS3 and azureBlob.
-m = <newMountPath> — Mount path on Amazon S3 or Blob Storage.
-i = <inputFile> — Input CSV file path.
Run the following command from the windchill shell to change the mount type and mount path for all root folders simultaneously:
windchill wt.fv.tools.datamigration.MountMigrationTool migrate -u <username> -p <password> -i <inputFile>
Run the following command from the windchill shell to change the mount type and mount path for one root folder at a time:
windchill wt.fv.tools.datamigration.MountMigrationTool migrate -u <username> -p <password> -r <RootFolder name> -m <mount path on Amazon S3 Storage> -t amazonS3
For example:
windchill wt.fv.tools.datamigration.MountMigrationTool migrate -u <username> -p <password> -r defaultuploadfolder1 -m Testbucket/defaultup -t amazonS3
After running the utility with -i argument, the summary displays the following status:
Successful — Name of the root folders successfully migrated.
Failed — Name of the root folders failed to migrate.
Skipped — Name of the root folders skipped, as they were successfully migrated in the previous run.
You can also view the mount migration status in the input CSV file after the utility is run. You can run the MountMigrationTool multiple times with same input CSV file.
During migration, if an existing root folder has a mirror root mount path in the input file, only the primary path is processed, and the secondary paths are discarded.
As an alternative to the command line tool, you can unmount the root folder and mount it for Azure Blob from the Vault Configuration user interface. Note that while performing these operations from user interface, users must not access content in the root folder. If you are migrating a single mount using -r, -t, and -m arguments, remove the migrated root folder’s Read Only flag from vault configuration user interface. The newly created root folder in the Prepare system for migration section may contain files that are not required to be moved out of the root folder as part of this vault migration process.
After the vault migration process is complete, reestablish the revaulting and content replication schedules, and configure the property wt.fv.faultTolerantVaultsAutoRestore.
Summary of Commands
windchill wt.fv.tools.FolderToRootFolderConverteraws
s3 cp C:\PTC\Windchill\vaults\defaultuploadvault s3://Testbucket/defaultuploadvault –recursive
snowball.bat start -i <ip address> -u <unlock code> -m <manifest file path>
snowball.bat ls
snowball.bat test -r <vault mount path on host machine>
snowball.bat mkdir s3://<bucketname>/<vaultname>
snowball.bat cp -r <path to vault> s3://<bucketname>/<vaultname>
snowball.bat validate <path on Amazon Snowball>
snowball.bat stopwindchill com.ptc.windchill.objectstorage.amazons3.tools.S3ConfigurationTool configure -u <username> -p <password>
windchill wt.fv.tools.datamigration.DataMigrationVerificationTool validateMigratedData -r <srcRootFolderName> -t <targetMountType> -m <targetMountPath> -u <userName> -p <password>
windchill wt.fv.tools.datamigration.MountMigrationTool migrate -r defaultuploadrootfolder -t amazonS3 -m Testbucket/defaultuploadvault -u <userName> -p <password>
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