Enabling Windchill Integration for MES
If you enabling Windchill Integration for MES on systems that have been upgraded or updated to Windchill then you must first do the following:
You do not need to do this procedure if you are enabling Windchill Integration for MES on a fresh installation. In this case, see section Enabling below.
1. Open a Windchill shell.
2. Run the following command:
ant -f %WT_HOME%\codebase\com\ptc\windchill\esi\configure.xml configure.esi.mes.integration
To install Windchill Integration for MES on a Windows system use the following procedure:
1. Launch Windchill PDMLink.
2. Navigate to Site > Utilities.
3. Open the Preference Management Utility.
4. Set the following preferences to Yes:
To enable Windchill Integration for MES:
ESI > Settings > PTC Windchill Integration for MES
To enable Windchill Integration for MES – Proficy:
ESI > Settings > PTC Windchill Integration for MES-Proficy
Post Installation Instructions
To complete the installation of Windchill Integration for MES – Proficy complete the following procedures:
1. Ensure that all servers are started.
2. Load the new attributes by executing the following command from a Windchill shell:
windchill wt.load.LoadFromFile -d
3. Load the new Windchill Integration for MES – Proficy distribution target type by executing the following command from a Windchill shell:
windchill wt.load.LoadFromFile -d <wt_home>/loadFiles/esi/ESIMESTarget.xml
4. Obtain a security certificate from Proficy server and install it on the Windchill machine. To install the security certificate use the following procedure:
a. From a command prompt enter mmc.
b. In the dialog that appears select File > Add/Remove Snap-in.
c. Select Certificates > Add.
d. Select Computer Account and click Next.
e. Select Local Computer and click Finish.
f. Browse to the following location: Certificates (Local Computer) > Trusted Root Certification Authority > Certificates.
g. From the right-click menu select All Tasks > Import. Browse to the given .cer file. Accept the default settings in the wizard and complete the importation of the certificate.
h. Restart your web browser and navigate to the following location: https://(ProficyServer Host):(Port) /SOAServer/SOAProject/PfMD/ExecutionService/IExecutionService?wsdl
5. Install the certificate into the trusted certificates store used by Windchill. To do this:
a. If ${JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/security/jssecacerts does not exist, create a copy of ${JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/security/cacerts and re-name it to “jssecacerts”
b. Import the certificate using the following command:
keytool -import -alias <some alias name> -file <path to certificate.cert> -storetype
jks -keystore ${JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/security/jssecacerts
For example:
keytool -import -alias "GE Proficy Certificate" -file "D:\ptc\Proficy Security
Certificate\GEFanucCert\GEFanucCert.cer" -storetype jks -keystore
6. Ensure that the new certificate exists in the list by executing the following command:
keytool -list -keystore ${JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/security/jssecacerts
The default password for the keystore is changeit. JAVA_HOME refers to the java used by the Windchill server.
7. Restart all servers.
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