Sending to a Distribution Target
After you associate a distribution target to one or more objects, you can publish those objects to the associated distribution target:
Objects can be sent to any Active distribution target, at any lifecycle state, or to multiple distribution targets if they are associated with the object.
To publish to a distribution target, use the following procedure:
1. Select the object you want to publish, and from the Actions menu select Send To Distribution Target.
2. Review the information displayed in the Send To Distribution Target window and click Next.
The Send To Distribution Target action is also available from the following locations:
Row level actions menu for the relevant objects on aFolders page.
Row level actions menu in the part structure tree under Manufacturing Associative Part Structure Browser.
With the preference Allow Target Selection on Send To Distribution Target UI set to Yes, you can select distribution targets to publish data to.
3. If publishing a CAD document to a distribution target of type Distributed Process, review and edit if necessary the information displayed in the User Input window. If multiple distribution targets have been selected, then the information for each distribution target appears. Click Next.
To publish only the default representation of an object select, Yes in the Use Default Representations field. Otherwise all representations are published.
4. A list of all objects that are going to be published to the distribution target is displayed. Review the information displayed and click Send.
To view the data in either a raw XML format or a format specified by the XSL style sheet, select the Raw Data icon from the Preview step. Be aware that the Raw Data icon is not available when sending data to a Distributed Process distribution target, or when the attribute ESI Response Output Format has a value of PLM
Clicking Send begins the publication process, but does not indicate the status of the publication.
Publishing Equivalent BOMs
If an object is published to a distribution target that it has already been published to in the past then the information that is sent again will be based off the information that was sent in the previous publication. Depending on the business processes established in your system it may be possible to publish iterations of a BOM that are not the latest revisions.
This situation could arise when you have an upstream BOM that has been published to a distribution target and which has equivalent downstream BOMs that have not yet been published. If the equivalent BOM is subsequently published, you can now use the same distribution target as the upstream equivalent BOM. There is no need to create and associate a different distribution target with the downstream BOMs.
This behavior is governed by the following property: com.ptc.windchill.esi.CalculateDeltaUsingLatestPublishedObject. To prevent downstream BOMs from being published to the same distribution target as previously published upstream BOMs change this property to FALSE. For more information refer to the customization guides.
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