Configuring Azure Blob Storage Containers for Windchill ESI
Windchill supports publishing ESI response files in Azure Blob Storage. Users can then use the XML or JSON response files from the Azure Blob Storage for customization per their preference.
To help store response files in Azure Blob Containers, refer to the following use cases:
1. Azure Storage account configured with security credentials authentication
When the blob configuration utility is invoked windchill configure -u <admin username> -p <admin password>, if security credentials authentication option is chosen, you need to provide the storage account name and key to be saved in an encrypted format. This is the same utility used for configuring Windchill vault data persistence on Azure Blob Containers. For more information on configuring vault storage using blob configuration utility, see Configuring Windchill File Vaults to Use Azure Blobs. Using this encrypted configuration, ESI module is capable of identifying the correct storage account.
2. Storage account configured with MSI authentication
When Windchill is configured to use MSI authentication using blob configuration utility, the storage account name is not captured. To identify the storage account in which the ESI response is published, you need to set the property using site.xconf. Refer to the example below:
<Property name=""
Configure Azure Blob Storage Container to be used by Windchill for storing ESI response files
1. Property is set
If the property is set to esi-responses-container, and Path attribute value of a distribution target is set to /esi/location1, then, the response files will appear in container esi-responses-container with Blob names prefixed with /esi/location1. You must set this property using site.xconf. Refer to the example below:
<Property name=""
2. Property is not set
Property is not set, and Path attribute value on a distribution target is set to /esi/location1, then Windchill will try to place response files in a container named "esi" with Blob names prefixed with "/location1". In other words, the first element from Path attribute value will be treated as the container name.
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