Raw Material Parts
Windchill ESI allows you to publish raw material parts and its BOM components that were created or changed within Windchill MPMLink to a distribution target.
Publishing raw material parts from Windchill ESI also includes the publishing of all related raw material parts and its BOM components that are listed. When you associate various attributes to a raw material part in Windchill MPMLink, Windchill ESI passes the attributes to the EAI software components. The following raw material part attributes are passed:
Last Changed by
Part Number
Default Unit
Part name
Part type
Life cycle State
Whether the part is a phantom part
Previously Published Part Version
Associated Effectivity
Storage Location
The following attributes of BOM component of a raw material are passed:
Part Number
Assembly Part Number
Assembly Part ID
Line Number
Alternate Item Group
Component ID
Whether the child part is a phantom part
Associated Effectivity ID
Whether the part is raw material part
Find Number
The Enterprise Data, Plant Data and Department Data objects, and options and variants expressions for raw materials, and reference or describing documents and EPM documents associated with raw materials are also published in the ESI response.
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