Create Document Templates Using DTI
A document template provides a means for standardizing common documents such as proposals, meeting minutes, or design specifications. For example, rather than starting from a blank page to write meeting minutes, a document template can provide a standard format. This might include spaces for attendance, action items, questions, and so on. A document template can also provide a standard border or company logo for slides in a presentation.
For more information, see About Document Templates.
Only administrators and managers can create templates in their respective contexts.
For information on creating a document template in Windchill without using DTI, see Creating a Document Template.
1. From the Windchill tab in Microsoft Office, select New > New Template.
From the Windchill context menu of a locally saved document, select Windchill > New Windchill Document Template.
2. Under Set Context, use the drop-down menu to select a recent context or click the find icon to search for additional contexts. Click Next.
3. Under Define Document Template, select the document type for which you are creating a template from the Type drop-down menu. The options available are specific to your site. Click Next.
4. Under the Set Attributes step, define descriptive attributes for both the document template and its primary content:
Enter a unique name to identify the document. If you select a file as primary content, a name is automatically generated based on the filename.
Enter a description of the document. This description appears pre-populated for subsequent documents based on this template.
Depending on the preferences set at your site, you might also see the Life Cycle Template and Team Template attributes. If these fields appear, a template is automatically generated for each.
Classification attributes will appearif Windchill Partslink is installed and classification binding attributes are set on theobject type.
If an organization identifier field appears, select an organization or an organization identifier, such as a CAGE code or DUNS number, with which you are associating the document template. Whether or not this field appears is determined by the preferences set at your site. For more information, see Owning Organization Participants.
5. Select Enabled to allow others to use the document template when creating documents. Otherwise, clear this checkbox to keep the template private. If disabled, the template does not appear in the drop-down menu of available templates when creating a new document.
You can also control visibility using the Show and Hide actions in Windchill. For more information, see Filtering the Visibility of Templates.
6. Click Finish to create the document template.
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