Advanced Customization > Business Logic Customization > Customizing MPMLink > Customizing Occurrence Attributes Criteria
Customizing Occurrence Attributes Criteria
Out of the box, the Occurrence Attributes criteria does not detect any occurrence attributes for the bill of materials. You can customize the criterion to detect the attributes of your choice. Use the following two properties related to the Occurrence Attributes criteria for the detection through reconciliation.
<Propertyname="com.ptc.windchill.associativity.reconciliation.attributes.wt.part.PartUsesOccurrence" multivalued="," default=""/> — You must update this property to detect the reference designator changes. For example,
<Propertyname="com.ptc.windchill.associativity.reconciliation.attributes.wt.part.PartUsesOccurrence" multivalued="," default="name"/>. The property ensures that any changes in the reference designator are detected by the system.
<Property name="com.ptc.windchill.associativity.reconciliation.attributes.wt.occurrence.UsesOccurrenceUserIBAs" multivalued="," default=""/> — Update this property when you have defined specific global or local attributes on occurrences. For example,
<Property name="com.ptc.windchill.associativity.reconciliation.attributes.wt.occurrence.UsesOccurrenceUserIBAs" multivalued="," default="OccIBA"/>. In this case, OccIBA is an attribute created on Part Uses Occurrence Type. The property ensures that any changes in the OccIBA attribute are detected by the system.
Both properties are present in the file located at WT_HOME/codebase/com/ptc/core/foundation/associativity/xconfs.
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