Editing Context Templates
You can edit a context template from its information page or from the Templates page.
Use the following procedure to edit a context template from the Templates page:
1. Access the Templates table under the context where the template was created.
2. Select the type of template from the table view drop-down list.
3. To obtain a ZIP file to use for updating the template data, locate the template from the list of templates and select Download from the corresponding Actions drop-down list.
The download window opens, which allows you to download the template data to your system as a ZIP file.
4. Modify the contents of the business XML document in the ZIP file to reflect the context changes you want. Then zip up the files required for the update. For more information, see the Understanding Context Templates reference topics.
5. Select Edit from the corresponding right-click actions menu.
The edit template window opens.
6. To edit the template data, click Browse from the Template File field and locate the ZIP file you updated in step 4.
7. In the template name field, modify the existing name for the organization, product, library, or project template. The name must be unique in your current context. You can enter a maximum of 200 characters.
8. In the Description field, modify the existing description of the template. You can enter a maximum of 4000 characters.
9. Select the Enabled checkbox to allow others to select the template when creating a context of the current type.
Clear the Enabled checkbox to keep the template private. If you do not select the Enabled checkbox, others are not able to use the template.
10. Click OK to validate the template, edit the template in the current context, and close the window. The Templates page refreshes to show the edited template.
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