Products Table
To view a list of all products to which you have access, open the Navigator and select Products > View all products. The Products table appears. From this table you can do the following:
If you have create permission, create a new product by clicking the new product icon from the toolbar.
View the contents in the folders of a product by clicking the view information icon .
Perform actions on individual products in the Products table by right-clicking in the table row of a product. For descriptions of these actions, see Product Actions.
Filter the products that display in the table by selecting an option from the View drop-down list. You can also find and sort objects in the table. For more information on these capabilities, see Personalizing Tables.
Add products as your favorites. Select the checkbox for the product and then click the add to favorites icon from the toolbar. Only those products you select as your favorites will appear when you select Favorites from the View drop-down list.
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