Context Inheritance
Contexts organize a Windchill database in a manner that is consistent with the functional organization of your company. The set of contexts in your Windchill solution have a hierarchical relationship:
The organization context is created as a child of the site context. An organization context can have one or more child contexts, including multiple products, libraries projects, and programs.
Administrative items, such as preferences, types and attributes, policies, processes, and templates, set in one context are inherited by all child contexts. These administrative items can generally be overridden in the child contexts to allow for context specific needs. For example, general document templates, such as those used for presentations or memos, can be defined at the top level of the hierarchy (in the site context). These document templates are then available to all child contexts. Progressively more specific templates can be defined at each level in the hierarchy, such as in an organization context or a library context. This allows individual product contexts, for example, to have document templates which are tailored for the needs of that specific product.
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