Editing a Chart
Once created and displayed, charts can be managed in the following ways:
Click the collapse icon to minimize the chart; click the expand icon to redisplay the complete chart.
Click the close icon to discard the chart.
Click the edit chart icon to edit the details of the chart.
To edit the details of the chart:
1. Click the edit chart icon in the chart title bar.
2. In the Edit Chart window, enter or change the chart settings as desired. The editable fields are the same as those on the New Chart window.
Change the columns selected for the First Axis Value and Second Axis Value fields.
Modify the Chart Title, Horizontal Axis Label, and Vertical Axis Label.
Change the Chart Layout options for your chart.
As you change settings, the preview pane updates to display the chart as it will display above your table.
If you have selected specific display options, then change the chart type or the column selection for the First Axis Value or Second Axis Value such that the display option no longer applies, the option will remain selected but will be grayed out and ignored by the current chart.
The Units, Show line, and Show regression line display options apply to chart types that will be available in a future release.
3. Click Add Chart to Table.
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