Charted Information
Information concerning problem reports, change requests, and change notices is displayed on the Change Monitor tab using different charts. The three charts at the top of the page display information about the change objects during a set time period. A pie chart displays information concerning full track change requests versus fast track change requests for the same period of time.
The time period is set according to the current date and includes the current month and the two previous months. For example, if the current date is March 15, the time period represented is January 1 to March 15.
The three charts at the top of the page are titled Problem Reports, Change Requests, and Change Notices. Each displays information comparing the number of opened problem reports, change requests, and change notices respectively to the number closed for each month during the set time period. Underneath each chart is a link to all of the open change objects relevant to the specified scope. They are sorted by the latest date. For example, under the Problem Reports chart there is a link to all of the open problem reports within the specified scope.
Also under each chart is Average Days Open which displays the average number of days between the opening of a change object and its being resolved. This historical information allows users to estimate how long it will take before a newly created change object will be resolved. This information is based on the entire life of the specified scope and is not limited by the time period set for the charts. This information is also displayed on the basis of the specified scope. Therefore, if the products being tracked by the system differ by a large magnitude in complexity, then it is possible that the average days open report results for the My Products, My Products & Libraries or Entire System scopes may be distorted by the complex product. In such a case, viewing the average days open report for a similar product provides a clearer estimate for planning.
Full Track vs. Fast Track Change Requests
The pie chart displays the percentage of the change requests on the full track change process versus those on the fast track change process for the specified scope. The chart also displays the percentage of change requests which have not yet been assigned a track.
The industry standard recommends that an average of 80% of changes within the system be fast track changes.
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