About Variances
A variance is an authorization to depart from the as-designed configuration for a specific number of units and or for a specified time period. A variance is created by a Windchill PDMLink user or by a Windchill ProjectLink user if the affected objects are shared to a project. Variances may be created on behalf of someone outside the system, such as a customer or supplier.
All variances are listed in the Variances table, available from Changes > Variances.
A variance is defined in two categories: deviations and waivers. A deviation () is a planned departure from the as-designed configuration before the part is built. A waiver () is a written acceptance of nonconformance.
The Variance table displays the variances sorted by specific criteria. The following is a list of the available views from the drop-down list immediately to the right of the table title. All of these views list only problem reports to which you have access.
All Open—Lists all open variances in the system.
Created by Me—Lists all open variances that you were created by you. This is the default view.
Last 7 Days—Lists all open variances that were created in the last 7 days.
Last 30 Days—Lists all open variances that were created in the last 30 days.
Last 90 Days—Lists all open variances that were created in the last 90 days.
Closed Last 90 Days—Lists all variances closed within the last 90 days.
The objects in the Variances table may have different actions available to them, depending on the type of object. Actions in the toolbar, applicable to all objects include:
View Variance Log
Deleting a variance does not delete any associated change requests.
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