Data Management Capabilities > Managing Change > Change Management Tables > Related Supplier Parts and Documents Table
Related Supplier Parts and Documents Table
If you have Windchill Supplier Management installed, the Related Supplier Parts and Documents table displays information related to the parts being released on a change. This table includes parts, documents, manufacturing and vendor parts, documents and CAD documents for the manufacturing and vendor parts, and CAD documents for the part that belongs to the Resulting Objects table. The table appears on both the change task and change notice information page.
Changing the Table View
You can select Customize from the view drop-down list to define your own table view. You can tailor your view by selecting which objects and columns to display in the table and determining their order. For more information, see the help available from the Customize window.
The toolbar and row actions include:
Places a copy of the selected object on the Windchill clipboard so that it may be pasted elsewhere as a new object or a reference. For more information, see About Copying an Object
Export List to File
Allows you to export the list to the following formats: CSV, HTML, PDF, TEXT, XLS, XLSX, XLS Report, and XML. For more information, see Exporting Table Information to a File.
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