Data Management Capabilities > Managing Change > About Mass Change Operations
About Mass Change Operations
Use mass change operations to modify multiple parts in a single action. For example, the same part is inserted, replaced, or removed, or the same part usage attributes are changed across 10's, 100's, or even 1000's of BOMs. The mass change operation is typically used in conjunction with a change notice as part of the work conducted during the authoring of a change task.
The mass change operations are available on the Resulting Objects table and Affected Objects table of a change task information page, depending on the context.
Mass Change Operations for the Change Implementation
The mass change operations are available on the Resulting Objects table of a change task information page. When using the mass change action in the implementation context, the resulting objects are prevalidated and are acted on directly.
Click the mass change icon in the toolbar on the Resulting Objects table of a change task information page. The Perform Mass Change window appears. The following mass change operations are available for the implementation context:
Certain part objects may be excluded based on the action you have selected. The following lists reasons for exclusion.
The part is checked out by another user.
You do not have permission to check out the selected object.
The part is checked out to a project.
The object is not a part.
The parts have active links.
If Windchill MPMLink is installed, the part is a manufacturing resource.
You tried to manipulate a part that is not in the structure of the selected objects.
You cannot insert an existing part that is one of the selected objects.
Reference designators can only be assigned to parts with units of Each.
The specified count for reference designators exceeds the quantity limit.
Multiple usage links found for updating reference designator and/or line number to the same values.
The reference designator values must be unique within the subassembly.
Quantity of parts specified during mass change operation should be greater than or equal to the number of the specified reference designators.
If there are invalid objects, a warning or informational message displays in the Preview Mass Change step. If the number of invalid objects is less than or equal to 10, the invalid objects are listed. If there are more than 10, the message does not list the objects, but displays how many objects were excluded.
Mass Change Operations for the Change Planning
The mass change operations are available on the Affected Objects table of a change task information page. When using the mass change action in the planning context, the redlines of the respective affected objects are prevalidated. If there are no redlines created for the affected objects, then the redlines are created for the eligible objects after prevalidation. The mass change operations take place on the redline.
On the Affected Objects table of a change task information page, select the objects you want to modify, click Actions, and then click the Mass Change BOM Redline. The Perform Mass Change window appears.
The following mass change operations are available for the planning context:
Once the action is performed on the objects, you can view the visual highlights for the modified object in the redline structure browser.
Certain part objects may be excluded based on the action you have selected. The following lists reasons for exclusion.
The part is checked out by another user.
You do not have permission to check out the selected object.
The part is checked out to a project.
The object is not a part.
The parts have active links.
If Windchill MPMLink is installed, the part is a manufacturing resource.
You tried to manipulate a part that is not in the structure of the selected objects.
You cannot insert an existing part that is one of the selected objects.
Invalid BOM redline state.
Modify permission is required for a BOM redline.
Modify permission is required for a change task.
Create permission is required for a redline.
The part must be the latest released or new.
Object is not supported for the redline.
Object is not in the root view.
One-off version object.
Object is located in a personal cabinet.
Change task is in invalid state.
The resulting objects already exist on the change task.
Reference designators can only be assigned to parts with units of Each.
The specified count for reference designators exceeds the quantity limit.
Multiple usage links found for updating reference designator and/or line number to the same values.
The reference designator values must be unique within the subassembly.
Quantity of parts specified during mass change operation should be greater than or equal to the number of the specified reference designators.
If there are invalid objects, a warning or informational message displays in the Preview Mass Change step. If the number of invalid objects is less than or equal to 10, the invalid objects are listed. If there are more than 10, the message does not list the objects, but displays how many objects were excluded.
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