Editing a Change Request
You can edit a change request in the following ways:
Select Edit from the actions list on information pages of change requests.
Select a change request on the Change Requests table, available from Changes > Change Requests.
If the selected objects are not available for change, either because they are checked out, shared to a project, or are not able to be changed, an error message displays.
The Edit window divides the editing of a change request into the following steps:
1. Set Attributes—Identifies change request attributes that determine its identity and control its behavior.
2. Select Affected End Items—Provides for identification of end items that are affected by the change request.
3. Select Affected Objects—Identifies objects that are affected by the change request.
4. Set Attachments—Manages associated file attachments. Files in the context of the change request can be added, updated, deleted, or viewed.
5. Select Associations—Identifies associated process and reference objects. The process and reference objects support local and external objects.
Steps do not necessarily need to be completed in the order in which they are listed. You may navigate to any step for which the link is enabled.
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