Associated Changes Table
The Associated Changes table appears in the Changes tab of an object managed by changes. For example, a part, document or CAD document information page. The table displays associated change objects, such as change requests, change notices, change tasks, change reviews, or issues and variances. To associate a change object to an affected object type, create a change object on the affected object type or copy an existing change object to the Associated Changes table. By default, the view is set to All. You can filter the view by type of change object, state, and association type.
Based on the type of association with a change object, the Association Type column displays the following association type:
Change Objects
Association Type
Change Requests, Problem Reports, Variances
Affected By
Change Notices, Change Tasks
Resulted By
Change Reviews
Reviewed By
You can add Change Intent and Redline columns in the Associated Changes table. For more information on how to add a column in table, see Creating and Editing New Table Views.
From the Associated Changes table toolbar, you have the following actions:
Copy a change object to the clipboard.
Export List to File
Export change objects to different file formats.
The Copy action is available as a row level action.
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