Part Version History
A part version is the second level of design history. It records the degree of change that occurs between successive released versions of a part. A new version of a part is created using the revise operation. The following diagram illustrates the revise cycle along with the embedded iterate cycle:
When a part is created, the first revision label is A and the complete version label, including the iteration, is A.1. The user iterates the design using the check-out and check-in operations, advancing the iteration number until the edits are complete and the part is ready to be released to production. At that time, state of the part version is promoted from In Work to Released and production planning activities are initiated. Once the part version is released, it may no longer be edited, since it captures a design that has been produced and sold. To create a new workable version for editing, the part must be revised. When a new version is created, the revision identifier is advanced from A to B. The iteration cycle for the new revision starts over with iteration 1 until the new version is ready for release.
For more information, see Revising an Object.
The revision and iteration identifiers at your company may differ from the one shown here. Windchill can be configured to support the version scheme used by your company.
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