Viewing Event Information
The Event Information page is accessed from the Event Management utility by clicking in the Actions column for the event in the Event List, or by selecting the hyperlink in the event name. The Event Information page lists the objects that have been processed for a given event.
At the top of the page is a hyperlink that returns you to the Event List. Below the hyperlink is the event title. Next to the event title is an icon for the Delete action . If warnings or conflicts occurred, one of the following actions appears, as applicable to the type of event:
View Warnings —If the event type is a warning
View Conflicts —If the event type is a non-overridable conflict
Resolve Conflicts —If the event type is an overridable conflict
The area immediately below the event title lists the event attributes, as follows:
Event Name—The name of the event.
Workspace—The workspace from which the event originated
Status—The status of the event, if completed, or a progress bar indicating how close the event is to completion
Start Date—The date and time the event began
End Date—The date and time the event was completed
Elapsed Time—The total time required to complete the event (if completed)
Below the attributes area is a table listing the Affected Objects in the event. The columns for the object attributes are the following:
Displays an icon identifying the type of the affected object
Displays the number of the affected object, if applicable
Displays the name of the affected object, if applicable
File Name
Displays the file name of the affected object, if applicable
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