Integration with Other Applications > Managing CAD Data > Information Page Reports > Source and Image CAD or Dynamic Documents
Source and Image CAD or Dynamic Documents
The Source and Image table displays the source or image objects for the given object. You can access this table by selecting CAD/Dynamic Documents from the Related Objects menu on the information page of a CAD or dynamic document.
An image is an object that has copied much of its content from a source object. Images can become out-of-date with regard to changes in the source, and need to be updated in the image's authoring application. The Source and Image table displays the sources or images for the object whose information page you are viewing, and it indicates in a status column if the source and image are in sync. No icon displayed in the status column indicates that the source or image is up-to-date with regard to the object version of this info page. When the row in the report shows an image, this icon indicates that it is out-of-date with regard to the object version of this information page (which, in this case, is the source). When the report shows a row with a source object, this icon indicates that there is a newer version of the source and the object version of this information page is not synchronized with it.
Column Information
The columns available in the Source and Image table give you specific information about each object in the table. Columns such as Name, Number, File Name, and Latest Version may appear.
You may also see a Type column which indicates whether the object listed is a source or image of the object whose information page you are viewing. You may also see a Synchronized Version column which indicates the version of the object with which the object whose information page you are viewing is synchronized.
When viewing the information page of the working copy of the source CAD document, you will not see anything under Synchronized Version as there is no image (derived object synchronized) updated from this working copy of the source CAD document.
In general, whenever a source CAD document is checked-out or iterated it does not have any synchronized version. Only when the image (derived object is synchronized) is updated from the given iteration of the source will you see synchronized version information on the information page of that iteration. You cannot update (synchronize image) a derived object from a working copy of the source CAD document.
To view the information page of a listed CAD document version, click the hyperlink of the version in either the Latest Version or Synchronized Version column in the table.
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