Relationship Report
The Relationship Report displays an Object List table that lists the initially selected object and additional related objects for the given object. You can access this table by selecting Relationship Report from the General menu on the information page of a CAD document.
When launched from the commonspace view of the CAD document information page, the report filters out all CAD documents that are workspace working copies.
Conversely, when launched from the workspace view of the CAD document information page, the report is restricted to only the CAD documents that are in the workspace from which the information page is launched, and any commonspace copies are filtered out. The configuration in this case is the workspace configuration specification and cannot be changed.
The following table summarizes the characteristics of the Relationship Report depending on whether it is for a workspace view or a commonspace view, and whether the report is viewed in a standalone browser or the embedded browser:
Commonspace View
Workspace View
Shows all checked-in relationships for the initially selected object
Allows you to select the configuration specification
Shows only those relationships for the initially selected object that are in the workspace, according to the links on the working copies and/or newly created CAD documents and parts in the server-side workspace. Does not include new objects or modified objects that have not been uploaded
Shows all checked-in relationships for the initially selected object
Allows you to select the configuration specification
Shows only those relationships for the initially selected object that are in the workspace, reflecting the links on the modified and newly created CAD documents and parts in the workspace (local cache).
Column Information
The columns available in the Object List table give you specific information about each object in the table. Columns such as Name, Number, File Name, Version, and Last Modified may appear.
You may also see a Relationship Type column which identifies the initially selected object and which at a future time will identify the relationship of other objects to the initially selected object.
Changing the Table View
You can limit the objects displayed in the Object List table by customizing your table view. An unlabeled menu that appears next to the View list allows you to select one of the following viewing modes.
As a List
As a Structure
As a Structure with Associated Objects
By Drawings
By Associated Objects
By Family Table
Clicking the table display options button allows you to choose to freeze or unfreeze columns, or to view only objects whose row check box is selected.
You can change the columns that appear by creating a new view. To do this, select Customize from the View menu and then select the New View action. For more information, see the help from the New View window.
The Configuration menu allows you to select a configuration, a rule for dependency selection, or to bypass system defaults for advanced processing options.
The following actions are available from the Object List table toolbar:
Collect related parts
Collect related drawings
Collect related family table objects
Collect related generics
Advanced Collection
Check out the selected objects to a workspace
Add the selected objects to a workspace
Reset table
To view the information page of a listed CAD document, click the view information icon in the table.
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