New Name System Behavior
Given that setting a new name is part of creating a new business object, Object Initialization Rules (OIRs) and preference settings determine whether the system generates new values or if you can specify values. If no preferences or OIRs specify otherwise, by default all objects are given a new name, number, and CAD name, according to the default naming policy. If you want name to be the same as the number or file name, then you can write an OIR to generate the name as well. For CAD documents, it is common to keep all three the same.
If the naming policy is to use Windchill auto-numbering, then the following defaults apply.
Number (Generated)
Name *_.*
CAD Name <Same as Number>
If the naming policy is set to use the model name or a parameter from the CAD file, then the following defaults apply.
Number *_.*
Name *_.*
CAD Name *_.*
If the naming policy is set to use a custom number generator, then the following defaults apply.
Number (Generated)
Name *_.*
CAD Name <Same as Number>
By default, generated numbers and names have a file extension included. You can drop the file extensions by setting the following Windchill preferences to Yes.
Drop File Extension From Number
Drop File Extension From Name
For CAD applications that support mixed case (and consider case as part of the uniqueness constraints), file names set with the Same as name or Same As Number preserve the case of the number or name. (they are not forced into lowercase). Same as name applies only in the case of a Save As operation. For the Rename operation, only Same As Number is supported.
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