Creating a New CAD Document
You are not allowed to create a CAD document without selecting a template. Values for the field selection menus in the upper portion of the New CAD Document window are filtered based on available CAD document templates. For example, if no template is available for an authoring application, then that authoring application is not shown in the Authoring Application selection menu. Similarly, if no template has been created for a type, then that type is not shown in the Type menu.
Selecting a value in a field menu in the upper section of the window refreshes other menus to show a filtered list based on that selection.
To create a CAD document:
1. From the workspace, select File > New > CAD Document or click the new CAD document icon .
You can also create a new CAD document when using the New Part window by selecting the Create CAD Document check box.
The New CAD Document window opens.
2. Select entries for the following pull-down menus:
Context—The initial value in the Context menu is derived from the context of the workspace.
The context for a new CAD document is a major driving attribute. Values available in the drop-down menus for other attributes, such as valid templates, valid authoring application, and so on, are decided based on context. Also, some of details in general attributes are driven through object initialization rule configuration, and so are likely to be different for different context. To assure valid attribute values, changing the context requires that the values for subsequent attributes be reselected.
If you intend to change the context, do so before selecting values for the subsequent attributes.
Organization ID—If enabled at your site, allows you to select the identity of an organization.
Authoring Application—Selecting the authoring application may preselect values for other attributes, for example Category and Type and Template Name.
Category—Select a category from the menu provided.
Type—Select the CAD document type.
Template Name (required field)—Select the CAD document template name for the new CAD document to reference (include the file extension). Selecting the template name determines the attributes that become available in the Attributes pane.
Filtering of templates is based on values in the preceding fields. The filtering is performed in the same order as the fields are listed in the New CAD Document window. For example, Authoring Application selection triggers filtering for remaining fields below it. Similarly, Category selection triggers filtering for the fields below it. You must follow this usability pattern to see proper templates.
You can click Default to save the currently selected template as the default. When you revisit the New CAD Document window, the previously saved default value is pre-selected in the Template Name menu.
If a preference to display organization information is set, you are able to set a value for Organization ID. See Selecting an Organization..
3. Enter or select values for the attributes in the Attributes pane. The attributes available depend on the template selected, but typically attributes such as the following are available out-of-the-box.
Both Number and File Name are required fields.
When you specify number explicitly on the New CAD Document page, you are by default not expected to specify an extension. Because the system derives the CAD Name based on a user-specified number, when you specify to have the CAD Name same as number, the system automatically appends an extension. It figures out the extension by looking at the extension from the CAD Name of the user-selected CAD document template. This is default behavior with CAD-Name-same-as-number user specification.
If you want to specify an extension explicitly, then you must enter File Name explicitly. When the extension is specified in such an explicit file name, that becomes what is sent to the server.
Number (required field)—Enter a number for the new CAD document.
If auto numbering is on, Number is not shown as a required field and the word (Generated) is displayed.
You can have a system-generated CAD document number assigned without a file extension by setting the following server-side preference to Yes. The default is No (generated numbers include the file extension).
Operation > Upload Operation > Upload > Drop File Extension From Number
Name (required field)—Enter a name for the new CAD document
You can have a system-generated CAD document name assigned without a file extension by setting the following server-side preference to Yes. The default is No (generated names include the file extension).
Operation > Upload Operation > Upload > Drop File Extension From Name
File name (required field)—Enter a file name, including extension, for the new CAD document.
Revision (required field)—Accept the default value, or, if revision setting is enabled, click Select Revision to select a revision in the Select Revision window. This field is not available when the New CAD Document window is launched via the New Part window. See Setting a Revision Level
Description—Enter a description of the CAD document.
Location (required field)—The default location is the CAD document target folder of the current workspace. Select one of the following options.
Autoselect Folder—For the system to assign a location (the proposed location is shown in parentheses)
Select Folder—To enter a path or browse to a folder within your selected context where you want the CAD document saved. Clicking the set location icon presents the Set Location page to select a folder location on the server.
4. Optionally, select the Open in Authoring Application check box (available only when the New CAD Document action is initiated from an active workspace viewed in an embedded browser) to have the newly created CAD document opened in the specified authoring application.
The Open in Authoring Application check box only appears if you have selected a CAD document template to be used for creating the new CAD document. If the selected template can be opened in CAD application, then the CAD document created using that template can be opened.
5. If you want to simultaneously create an associated part, select the Create and Associate Part check box.
This check box is not available when the New CAD Document window is launched via the New Part window.
If you choose to create and associate a part for the CAD document, the new part is created as a new, modified object in the workspace.
It is recommended that you associate a part with a CAD document at object creation, rather than when you create a structure.
6. Global attributes—Global attributes, if any, are shown following all the above-named attributes. If a template is specified, the list and values of global attributes come from the template CAD document. If the template does not have an explicitly overridden value, then the list and values of global attributes come from the latest subtype definition of the CAD Document subtype. The subtype is specified by the Type and Attribute Management utility. For a list-type attribute, the system presents a menu of generated values. For a range-type attribute, a tool-tip is shown in the input text field to indicate the range.
7. If your site has security labels enabled, you may see the Set Security Labels step.
For more information about setting security labels, see Setting Security Labels while Creating an Object.
8. Click Finish. The specified CAD document is created. The template file specified provides content for your CAD document. The newly created CAD document by default appears as a new and modified object in the target workspace.
When launched from a Folder page, as part of the New Part action, the CAD document is created and checked in.
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