Setting a Location
You can use the Set Location window to set a location (a context and folder location) for an object during object creation or initial checkin.
To change the context of an object after it has been checked in to Windchill, you must use the Move action. Location changes performed in Windchill are not displayed in the Arbortext browser.
The Location window presents the following features:
The Context and Folder fields to specify a context/location
A location string field that dynamically displays the current folder path
A group of navigational actions as described in the following table.
Previous Location
Resets the location screen to the previous display. When selected, the context, location, and folder location string fields show the values shown in the previous display.
Up One Level
Moves your navigation from a lower folder level to the next higher folder level. When selected, the window refreshes to show the folders at the next higher level and the folder location string for the next higher level.
Create New Folder
Creates a new folder at the currently active folder level.
Hot Links
Opens a list of hyperlinks (saved URLs from your Windchill Notebook table). Only hyperlinks that represent folder location in a valid product, library, or project context are listed.
Add to Hot Links
Adds the currently selected folder to your list of hyperlinks.
To select a context/folder location, use one or more of the following procedures (you may use the procedures in combination):
To browse to a location by context:
1. Select a context from the Context menu. The top level folder locations for that context are displayed in the Folder list field.
2. Select a folder location from the Folder list field. Click Open to navigate to the next lowest level. The next level of folders appears in the location list, and the currently specified location is displayed in the location string field.
3. As needed, click the previous location icon , the up one level icon , or the create new folder icon to navigate to a preferred location.
4. Click OK. The context/location you specified is set for the object.
To select a location using a saved hot link location:
1. Click the hot links icon . The Location list displays a list of your hyperlinks that are folder locations.
2. As needed, navigate the hot links folder structure to a suitable location.
3. Click OK. The context/location you specified is set for the object.
As you browse, you can click the add to hot links icon to save a location in your Notebook list of hot links.
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